
Numerous documentation

Welcome to the Numerous documentation page! 👋

Numerous is a platform for hosting Python-based apps with frameworks you already use — Streamlit (opens in a new tab), Marimo (opens in a new tab), Dash (opens in a new tab) — plus, our own app engine!

Let Numerous take care of all the work related to hosting an app. Simply write your app, deploy it with a single command, and share the link!


Quickly host apps
Just a few keystrokes and your app is deployed

Easy sharing
Simply copy a link to your app to share it

Getting started

Try it out, in the Cloud!

We have prepared a Cloud-based development environment on GitHub codespaces, so you can try the platform without installing anything on your computer!

Create your own codespace for Numerous and get started here (opens in a new tab)

Learn and develop on your own machine