Develop. Deploy. Discover.

Let us host your
Python apps
for free!

Unlock numerous platform features and elevate your development:

  • Organizations & User Management: Control and manage user access within and across organizations.

  • App Gallery: Showcase multiple apps from your organization in your own dedicated gallery.

  • Deploy Serverless with CLI: Deploy multiple variants of the same app effortlessly using our Command Line Interface.
Try it out👇

Numerous Workflow Demo

In this demo, we'll guide you through the entire process of building and publishing an app with Numerous.

What are the benefits?


Benefits for the developer

Quickly make your apps available
Focus on the features and value of your app rather than tedious tasks
Easily collect actionable feedback from users
No need to maintain software features outside of your core competencies
Improved quality and reliability with our existing framework

Benefits for the organization

Build scalable SaaS solutions with your own internal team
Reduce time-to-market with general features already available on the platform
Improve cost effectiveness due to reduced development requirements
No investment risk - only pay when you earn revenue
Lower costs for your customers due to reduced selling, maintenance, and administrative costs

Deploy your app on Numerous

Follow these easy steps:
010203Install the Numerous package using pipConnect your app using the Numerous command-line interface (CLI)Use the deploy command to upload your code and make your app available
$pip install numerous$numerous init$numerous deploy
🔗Invite & Share
Invite users to join your organization or share your app with other organizations using the platform UI.

Book a demo

Discover Numerous with one of our experts.

Get notified of new features

Numerous is on a rapid development journey! We are always working on new features to help you deploy your apps well.

Join our news list to be notified about upcoming releases and new developments to our platform.